Otomi textiles are wonderfully whimsical, characterized by animals, plants and geometric shapes – perfect for the most wonderful time of the year. True Otomi fabrics from Mexico are embroidered, and often in a rainbow of colors. I was able to create the Otomi look on our Christmas stockings (in a winter white palette) with a stencil! Here’s how I did it:
Lay your stocking on a piece of wax paper, trace and cut the shape out. Line the inside of the stocking with the cutout to keep paint from seeping through. I selected a canvas/linen type that I thought would make a good surface for paint.
Place the stencil over your stocking and use masking tape to secure it to your work surface.
Using a stippling motion, apply paint to the stocking taking care to paint all areas of the stencil. Don’t apply too much paint at once or it will seep under the stencil causing you to lose details in your design. Carefully peel back the stencil and allow the paint to dry before hanging.