The original French pinup girl is Brigitte Bardot, and many of her iconic style choices are the origin of what we think of when we think ‘French fashion’ today. She herself underwent a major style transformation from her 1950s debut at the Cannes Film Festival as a demure brunette, to her evolution as a sultry blonde of the 1960s and 70s. I can’t get enough of photos of Brigitte lounging in straw hats in the south of France. I feel like on top of everything else, we can credit her with fabulous resort style too!
Feminine, waist-cinching dresses and full skirts
Tossled and eponymous half and full updos, topped by ribbons or wide headbands
Rompers and playsuits
Over-the-knee boots
Heavy winged eyeliner
Oversized sunglasses
Crewneck sweaters
Lots of hats: straw, wool western, page boy…