Being prepared for a sartorial mishap is one of the satisfying markers of adulthood. I believe that this preparedness begins with a proper mending kit and a little home economics know-how. While the freebie mending kit you got from your hotel room can get you by in a pinch, it’s likely not going to allow you to make a long-lasting repair. To start, I recommend selecting a collection of quality cotton or silk threads that represent the majority of colors in your closet to keep on hand. These other items will round out your kit:
Dedicated container for your kit, which can also act as a collection spot for all the extra buttons and threads that come with your clothing
Box of safety pins
Straight pins, for pinning fabric together while you stitch
Pin cushion, to store your pins and needles
Hand sewing needles in varying thickness, for varying fabric weights
Pair of scissors, dedicated to this kit and used only for snipping thread to keep their sharpness (makes needle threading infinitely easier)